StiCA + iTPC mrging
Updated on Wed, 2019-04-03 11:33. Originally created by perev on 2018-02-01 12:17.
Tue Apr 2
Angle dependency for 15+ tracks
Angle dependency for all tracks
Tue Jun 26 2018
Dev updated by iTPC version
Nightly tests showed degradation in number of primaries.
What is the difference between old and new DEV versions.
Old DEV used all possible hits, even from fdead regions;
New DEV used hits only from live regions;
Example y2017:
file /star/rcf/test/daq/2017/155/st_physics_18155036_raw_2000012.daq, 50 events.
OLD nHits=102727 n15Prims=230.80 hitsPerTk= 29.445 //All hits used
DEV nHits=102313 n15Prims=230.20 hitsPerTk= 29.389 //Live hits used
DEV nHits=102727 n15Prims=230.60 hitsPerTk= 29.449 //All hits used
There is no big difference.
Now y2010:
file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2010/029/st_physics_11029020_raw_1030002.daq 5events
OLD nHits=286172 n15Prims=453.60 hitsPerTk= 26.007 //All hits used
DEV nHits=274196 n15Prims=345.80 hitsPerTk= 24.761 //Live hits used
DEV nHits=286172 n15Prims=414.20 hitsPerTk= 25.202 //All hits used
So with live hits we have 23% decrease of primaries
Wit all hits used we have 8.6% decrease of primaries
1. Still 8% must be investigated
2. In 2010 dead regions was not properly assigned
3. What version should be used in nightly tests, all hits or live hits?
4. Same in production?
Thu May 31 2018
NO iTPC case, real data, file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq 100 events
TPC case, simulation, file AuAu200y2018_10_100evts.fzd 100evts
Thu May 10 2018
What was done?
1. TpcDetectorBuilder:
a) Splitted & non splitted Tpc geometry controlled by flag from StiMaker and at the end. from StBfChain;
Also some sectors could be defined as dead;
b) When number of padrows for z- and z+ are different the padraw is automatically splitted;
c) If some of padrows is dead, it is automatically splitted and according part is not active. It was not possible before;
d) Z size of padrow is correct now(not twice as bigger). My test shows no influence.
e) I removed alignment of sectors. Few millimetres of alignment, comparing centimetres of space charge are senseless.
Accuracy of fit depends mostly of hits accuracy, not geometry. As expected, result was not changed at all.
2. TpcHitLoader: does not load hits of the dead padrow. It is especially important for CA
3. Sti does not test belonging of hit to volume. So if hit really belong to another splitted volume on the same level
it could be used in fit. I removed the check, which does not allow to use hit not belonging to current detector.
4. Bug in file tpcSectorT0offset.C was fixed
Some results of the tests are represented as a tables. For the quality of reconstruction were selected two values:
a) nPrimGood - number of primaries tracks with nHits >=15
b) nHitsGood - number of hits per tracks with nHits >=15
Now NO iTPC case, real data, file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq
iTPC case, simulation, file AuAu200y2018_10_100evts.fzd
Thu Apr 26
Simu iTpc
split = 0
nGlob = 33320 <nGlob> = 666.40
nGgoo = 25691 <nGgoo> = 513.82 Ggoo/Gtot=0.771
nPrim = 16511 <nPrim> = 330.22 Ptot/Gtot=0.496
nPgoo = 15915 <nPgoo> = 318.30 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.619
Tpc Hits = 1537112 used 810624(52.74%) perTrack 24.328
Tpc Gits = 1537112 used 734410(47.78%) perTrack 28.586
nGlob = 33071 <nGlob> = 661.42
nGgoo = 26031 <nGgoo> = 520.62 Ggoo/Gtot=0.787
nPrim = 16703 <nPrim> = 334.06 Ptot/Gtot =0.505
nPgoo = 16183 <nPgoo> = 323.66 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.622
Tpc Hits = 1537112 used 826472(53.77%) perTrack 24.991
Tpc Gits = 1537112 used 755913(49.18%) perTrack 29.039
All parameters better for split=1 but only 1% So practically the same.
DAQ /star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq
nGlob = 48982 <nGlob> = 979.64
nGgoo = 29361 <nGgoo> = 587.22 Ggoo/Gtot=0.599
nPrim = 4815 <nPrim> = 96.30 Ptot/Gtot=0.098
nPgoo = 3692 <nPgoo> = 73.84 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.126
Tpc Hits = 2159142 used 885697(41.02%) perTrack 18.082
Tpc Gits = 2159142 used 692405(32.07%) perTrack 23.582
nGlob = 47392 <nGlob> = 947.84
nGgoo = 29286 <nGgoo> = 585.72 Ggoo/Gtot=0.618
nPrim = 7349 <nPrim> = 146.98 Ptot/Gtot=0.155
nPgoo = 5646 <nPgoo> = 112.92 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.193
Tpc Hits = 2159142 used 881079(40.81%) perTrack 18.591
Tpc Gits = 2159142 used 705513(32.68%) perTrack 24.090
Thu Apr 19
ForeignHit=Off VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=extended

All these pictures were for all the tracks. Now for tracks iTPC sector
ForeignHit=Off VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=Ofn VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=extended

Thu Apr 14
StEvent Hits
To speed up iTPC development I saved hits made by TpcRS into file
Then used event.root file as input. In result I got disaster.
After investigation I found:
1. .fzd file keeps information about mag field, event.root not
2. In result field becomes zero. Reconstruction is completely wrong
3. Addition option fieldOn helps if field is normal.
4. If field is reverse , option revereseField does not help. Field is still positive.
Probaly it is the bug in BFChain or very inconvenient feature.
After additional SetAttr("magFacktor",-1) it is working now
iTPC and splitted volume problem
............................................................................................................... B
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
|__________________________________________| |_____________________________________|
A ................................................................................................
It is case of splitted along Z Tpc volumes. For both ones some hits outside of volumes
When track is crossing volume A ity does not see hits of volume B. And vice versa.
In track finder line of code skipping hits from other volume removed. Now tailed hits from B are
seen in A. And vice versa.
Case with iTPC sector more complicated.
TPC ...............................................................................................................
Now TPC and iTPC rows are on different layers. When in TPC layer track missed TPC it messed iTPC as well.
So TPC tailed hits lost. Same, on iTPC layer iTPC tailed hits are lost.
The way to solve is even if track is missing the volume in Z direction to say it is in.
Now this version under the testing
Wed Mar 28 2018
Loosing efficiency eta=0 iTPC case
Searching hits and detectors, seed finder etc... in Sti, the part of code not touched by me.
I do know it not well. Now deficiency in ETA=0 evidently related splitting sectors by -ve and +ve Z
After investigation of Sti code I found something new for me:
1. StiHits assigned not to volume/detector but layer angle and layer radius of detector, ignoring Z
2. That means, if we have two detectors with the same layer angle and radius, and different Z,
they will have common hits.
3. So it is possible, looking hit for one detector, got hit from the other one.
4. In Sti code this case is checked and such hit ignored. But for iTpc case it is not evident decision.
I removed this check.
Here are two distributions with and without this check:

This one without check:

So efficiency is better. Why?
Splited Tpc sectors have the common hits now, which in Z=0 is good. No boundary effects.
But for Tpc & iTpc sectors it is not the case, layers are different.
But in the case of touching Tpc & iTpc sectors the strategy should be more sophisticated.
What was done:
1. When we got hit in some detector we multiplicate it and place these geminies into neighbouring detectors
2. Sti seed finder was modified to avoid more then one such hit in the track
3. same for track finder
4. What is not clear how it works for CA
IRAK&DEV iTPC input Sti hits outside node
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 10 <nEvents>=10
nGlob = 4674 <nGlob> = 467.40 nGlobMax= 1569
nGgoo = 3881 <nGgoo> = 388.10 nGgooMax= 1281 Ggoo/Gtot=0.830
nPrim = 2534 <nPrim> = 253.40 nPrimMax= 852 Ptot/Gtot=0.542
nPgoo = 2490 <nPgoo> = 249.00 nPgooMax= 839 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.642
Tpc Hits = 219862 used 125655(57.15%) perTrack 26.884
Tpc Gits = 219862 used 117757(53.56%) perTrack 30.342
IRAK&DEV iTPC giveOut is ON
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 10 <nEvents>=10
nGlob = 5579 <nGlob> = 557.90 nGlobMax= 1865
nGgoo = 3878 <nGgoo> = 387.80 nGgooMax= 1279 Ggoo/Gtot=0.695
nPrim = 2647 <nPrim> = 264.70 nPrimMax= 868 Ptot/Gtot=0.474
nPgoo = 2474 <nPgoo> = 247.40 nPgooMax= 822 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.638
Tpc Hits = 461116 used 129689(28.13%) perTrack 23.246
Tpc Gits = 461116 used 115405(25.03%) perTrack 29.759

iRAK&Eval iTPC giveOut==ON insideG==On
Second peek for globals is not understood
But for primaries it desappeared
The last fact what I found is Sti seed finder is working only inside one Sector.
Thu Mar 1 2018
In StTpcRtsHitMaker Z(timeBucket) Y2018

In StTpcRtsHitMaker Z(timeBucket) Y2017
Mon Feb 26 2018
Wrong hits. Hits outside of volume;
Wrong hits >10cm
geant 0.0 N=0
InpMover 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
OutMover 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
InpLoader 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
HitLoader 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
Tue Feb 13 2018
Merging done, 30 directories 70 files
Problem with geometry of iTPC not solved yet.
Small test, provided by Irakli gives assert, hit is outside of detector.
It is in average 125 cases per event.
Always the hit in other side of membrane
It is outside from 10 to 40 cm
After switching off the assert I run 11 events.

Irakli provides directory where everything related Sti iTPC is placed
Questions & problems
1. Do I need CleanSlate/StarVMC/Rotations? I did not find where they are used?
2. Do I need StTrsMaker? It is not used any more
3. I do not see TPCCATracker. Is it really not modified? Geometry of iTPC is very different.
4. There is a lot of changes in Sti related to "Alignment" Is it related to iTPC?
5. In addition in Sti should not be any alignment codes. Sti must use already aligned data.
It is not responsability of Sti to do alignment
6. Also we have two parallel approaches to alignments, Yuri and Jason ones. Evident that here we have Yuri's code.
7. There is a HUGE amount of modifications in Sti which was already removed long time ago. Not the latest code of Sti was used
in input. Could we use standard Sti for iTPC. And if not, why?
8. There is a __NEW_TPCCATracker__ cpp flag. That means that NEW and OLD tracker should have different libraries.
Support is not easy. QUESTION: if _NEW_TPCCATracker__ is ON, old TPC will work properly?
9. In StdEdxY2Maker flag __Use_dNdx__ is ON, but official id OFF. For iTPC only ON or not
10. In StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, removing:
Does it contradict to our approach?
11. Some asserts in Sti are commented out. In official version the are not crashed.
Does it mean that in iTPC version it will crash?
Angle dependency for 15+ tracks
Angle dependency for all tracks
Tue Jun 26 2018
Dev updated by iTPC version
Nightly tests showed degradation in number of primaries.
What is the difference between old and new DEV versions.
Old DEV used all possible hits, even from fdead regions;
New DEV used hits only from live regions;
Example y2017:
file /star/rcf/test/daq/2017/155/st_physics_18155036_raw_2000012.daq, 50 events.
OLD nHits=102727 n15Prims=230.80 hitsPerTk= 29.445 //All hits used
DEV nHits=102313 n15Prims=230.20 hitsPerTk= 29.389 //Live hits used
DEV nHits=102727 n15Prims=230.60 hitsPerTk= 29.449 //All hits used
There is no big difference.
Now y2010:
file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2010/029/st_physics_11029020_raw_1030002.daq 5events
OLD nHits=286172 n15Prims=453.60 hitsPerTk= 26.007 //All hits used
DEV nHits=274196 n15Prims=345.80 hitsPerTk= 24.761 //Live hits used
DEV nHits=286172 n15Prims=414.20 hitsPerTk= 25.202 //All hits used
So with live hits we have 23% decrease of primaries
Wit all hits used we have 8.6% decrease of primaries
1. Still 8% must be investigated
2. In 2010 dead regions was not properly assigned
3. What version should be used in nightly tests, all hits or live hits?
4. Same in production?
Thu May 31 2018
NO iTPC case, real data, file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq 100 events
nPrims | nHits | Tracker | Split | Percent | Comment |
242.12 | 27.867 | | 0 | ||
240.02 | 27.837 | StiCA.itpc | 0 | -0.8% | dead padrows |
215.02 | 27.093 | | 0 | 88.9% | |
213.22 | 27.057 | Sti.itpc | 0 | -0.9% | dead padrows |
198.06 | 27.376 | Sti.itpc | 1 | -7% | Big |
213.94 | 27.066 | Sti.itpc | 1 | gemini | |
237.75 | 28.004 | | 0 | 98% | |
235.66 | 27.971 | CA.itpc | 0 | -0.9% | |
218.96 | 28.276 | CA.itpc | 1 | -7% | Same as Sti |
236.12 | 27.986 | CA.itpc | 1 | gemini | |
TPC case, simulation, file AuAu200y2018_10_100evts.fzd 100evts
nPrims | nHits | Tracker | split | percent | Comments |
316.53 | 29.011 | Sti.itpc | 0 | ||
316.48 | 29.023 | Sti.itpc | 1 | -0.016% | Same |
0 | 0 | StiDEV | 0 | Crash | |
268.79 | 30.277 | CA.itpc | 0 | ||
268.72 | 30.304 | CA.itpc | 1 | 0.03% | Same |
Thu May 10 2018
What was done?
1. TpcDetectorBuilder:
a) Splitted & non splitted Tpc geometry controlled by flag from StiMaker and at the end. from StBfChain;
Also some sectors could be defined as dead;
b) When number of padrows for z- and z+ are different the padraw is automatically splitted;
c) If some of padrows is dead, it is automatically splitted and according part is not active. It was not possible before;
d) Z size of padrow is correct now(not twice as bigger). My test shows no influence.
e) I removed alignment of sectors. Few millimetres of alignment, comparing centimetres of space charge are senseless.
Accuracy of fit depends mostly of hits accuracy, not geometry. As expected, result was not changed at all.
2. TpcHitLoader: does not load hits of the dead padrow. It is especially important for CA
3. Sti does not test belonging of hit to volume. So if hit really belong to another splitted volume on the same level
it could be used in fit. I removed the check, which does not allow to use hit not belonging to current detector.
4. Bug in file tpcSectorT0offset.C was fixed
Some results of the tests are represented as a tables. For the quality of reconstruction were selected two values:
a) nPrimGood - number of primaries tracks with nHits >=15
b) nHitsGood - number of hits per tracks with nHits >=15
Now NO iTPC case, real data, file=/star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq
nPrimGood | nHitsGood | Software | Split | Comments |
219 | 46.5 | StiDev | No | Default Sti from dev |
203 | 43.7 | Sti | No | Some padrows dead |
203 | 43.8 | Sti | Yes | No big difference |
246 | 51.8 | CA&StiDev | No | |
243 | 51.7 | CA & Sti | No | 1% worse,dead regions |
228 | 48.7 | CA & Sti | Yes | 6% worse, CA split |
iTPC case, simulation, file AuAu200y2018_10_100evts.fzd
nPrimGood | nHitsGood | Software | Split | Comments |
324 | 48.8 | Sti | No | |
324 | 48.8 | Sti | Yes | No difference |
320 | 53.6 | StiCA | No | Not clear |
320 | 53.6 | StiCA | Yes | Same |
315 | 48.6 | Sti | No | 20 inactive |
311 | 53.6 | StiCA | No | 20 inactive, 1% less |
Thu Apr 26
Simu iTpc
split = 0
nGlob = 33320 <nGlob> = 666.40
nGgoo = 25691 <nGgoo> = 513.82 Ggoo/Gtot=0.771
nPrim = 16511 <nPrim> = 330.22 Ptot/Gtot=0.496
nPgoo = 15915 <nPgoo> = 318.30 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.619
Tpc Hits = 1537112 used 810624(52.74%) perTrack 24.328
Tpc Gits = 1537112 used 734410(47.78%) perTrack 28.586
nGlob = 33071 <nGlob> = 661.42
nGgoo = 26031 <nGgoo> = 520.62 Ggoo/Gtot=0.787
nPrim = 16703 <nPrim> = 334.06 Ptot/Gtot =0.505
nPgoo = 16183 <nPgoo> = 323.66 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.622
Tpc Hits = 1537112 used 826472(53.77%) perTrack 24.991
Tpc Gits = 1537112 used 755913(49.18%) perTrack 29.039
All parameters better for split=1 but only 1% So practically the same.
DAQ /star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq
nGlob = 48982 <nGlob> = 979.64
nGgoo = 29361 <nGgoo> = 587.22 Ggoo/Gtot=0.599
nPrim = 4815 <nPrim> = 96.30 Ptot/Gtot=0.098
nPgoo = 3692 <nPgoo> = 73.84 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.126
Tpc Hits = 2159142 used 885697(41.02%) perTrack 18.082
Tpc Gits = 2159142 used 692405(32.07%) perTrack 23.582
nGlob = 47392 <nGlob> = 947.84
nGgoo = 29286 <nGgoo> = 585.72 Ggoo/Gtot=0.618
nPrim = 7349 <nPrim> = 146.98 Ptot/Gtot=0.155
nPgoo = 5646 <nPgoo> = 112.92 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.193
Tpc Hits = 2159142 used 881079(40.81%) perTrack 18.591
Tpc Gits = 2159142 used 705513(32.68%) perTrack 24.090
Thu Apr 19
ForeignHit=Off VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=extended

All these pictures were for all the tracks. Now for tracks iTPC sector
ForeignHit=Off VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=Ofn VolumeSize=exact

ForeignHit=On VolumeSize=extended

Thu Apr 14
StEvent Hits
To speed up iTPC development I saved hits made by TpcRS into file
Then used event.root file as input. In result I got disaster.
After investigation I found:
1. .fzd file keeps information about mag field, event.root not
2. In result field becomes zero. Reconstruction is completely wrong
3. Addition option fieldOn helps if field is normal.
4. If field is reverse , option revereseField does not help. Field is still positive.
Probaly it is the bug in BFChain or very inconvenient feature.
After additional SetAttr("magFacktor",-1) it is working now
iTPC and splitted volume problem
............................................................................................................... B
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
|__________________________________________| |_____________________________________|
A ................................................................................................
It is case of splitted along Z Tpc volumes. For both ones some hits outside of volumes
When track is crossing volume A ity does not see hits of volume B. And vice versa.
In track finder line of code skipping hits from other volume removed. Now tailed hits from B are
seen in A. And vice versa.
Case with iTPC sector more complicated.
TPC ...............................................................................................................
Now TPC and iTPC rows are on different layers. When in TPC layer track missed TPC it messed iTPC as well.
So TPC tailed hits lost. Same, on iTPC layer iTPC tailed hits are lost.
The way to solve is even if track is missing the volume in Z direction to say it is in.
Now this version under the testing
Wed Mar 28 2018
Loosing efficiency eta=0 iTPC case
Searching hits and detectors, seed finder etc... in Sti, the part of code not touched by me.
I do know it not well. Now deficiency in ETA=0 evidently related splitting sectors by -ve and +ve Z
After investigation of Sti code I found something new for me:
1. StiHits assigned not to volume/detector but layer angle and layer radius of detector, ignoring Z
2. That means, if we have two detectors with the same layer angle and radius, and different Z,
they will have common hits.
3. So it is possible, looking hit for one detector, got hit from the other one.
4. In Sti code this case is checked and such hit ignored. But for iTpc case it is not evident decision.
I removed this check.
Here are two distributions with and without this check:

This one without check:

So efficiency is better. Why?
Splited Tpc sectors have the common hits now, which in Z=0 is good. No boundary effects.
But for Tpc & iTpc sectors it is not the case, layers are different.
But in the case of touching Tpc & iTpc sectors the strategy should be more sophisticated.
What was done:
1. When we got hit in some detector we multiplicate it and place these geminies into neighbouring detectors
2. Sti seed finder was modified to avoid more then one such hit in the track
3. same for track finder
4. What is not clear how it works for CA
IRAK&DEV iTPC input Sti hits outside node
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 10 <nEvents>=10
nGlob = 4674 <nGlob> = 467.40 nGlobMax= 1569
nGgoo = 3881 <nGgoo> = 388.10 nGgooMax= 1281 Ggoo/Gtot=0.830
nPrim = 2534 <nPrim> = 253.40 nPrimMax= 852 Ptot/Gtot=0.542
nPgoo = 2490 <nPgoo> = 249.00 nPgooMax= 839 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.642
Tpc Hits = 219862 used 125655(57.15%) perTrack 26.884
Tpc Gits = 219862 used 117757(53.56%) perTrack 30.342
IRAK&DEV iTPC giveOut is ON
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 10 <nEvents>=10
nGlob = 5579 <nGlob> = 557.90 nGlobMax= 1865
nGgoo = 3878 <nGgoo> = 387.80 nGgooMax= 1279 Ggoo/Gtot=0.695
nPrim = 2647 <nPrim> = 264.70 nPrimMax= 868 Ptot/Gtot=0.474
nPgoo = 2474 <nPgoo> = 247.40 nPgooMax= 822 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.638
Tpc Hits = 461116 used 129689(28.13%) perTrack 23.246
Tpc Gits = 461116 used 115405(25.03%) perTrack 29.759

iRAK&Eval iTPC giveOut==ON insideG==On

Second peek for globals is not understood
But for primaries it desappeared
The last fact what I found is Sti seed finder is working only inside one Sector.
Thu Mar 1 2018
In StTpcRtsHitMaker Z(timeBucket) Y2018

In StTpcRtsHitMaker Z(timeBucket) Y2017
Mon Feb 26 2018
Wrong hits. Hits outside of volume;
<=12 | >12 | iTPC | InTot | |
After Geant | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
TpcRs | ||||
Before Mover | 115 | 88 | 7 | 210 |
After Mover | 115 | 88 | 7 | 210 |
HitLoad | 120 | 85 | 7 | 212 |
Wrong hits >10cm
geant 0.0 N=0
InpMover 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
OutMover 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
InpLoader 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
HitLoader 24.6 +- 9.1 N=112
Tue Feb 13 2018
Merging done, 30 directories 70 files
Problem with geometry of iTPC not solved yet.
Small test, provided by Irakli gives assert, hit is outside of detector.
It is in average 125 cases per event.
Always the hit in other side of membrane
It is outside from 10 to 40 cm
After switching off the assert I run 11 events.

Irakli provides directory where everything related Sti iTPC is placed
Questions & problems
1. Do I need CleanSlate/StarVMC/Rotations? I did not find where they are used?
2. Do I need StTrsMaker? It is not used any more
3. I do not see TPCCATracker. Is it really not modified? Geometry of iTPC is very different.
4. There is a lot of changes in Sti related to "Alignment" Is it related to iTPC?
5. In addition in Sti should not be any alignment codes. Sti must use already aligned data.
It is not responsability of Sti to do alignment
6. Also we have two parallel approaches to alignments, Yuri and Jason ones. Evident that here we have Yuri's code.
7. There is a HUGE amount of modifications in Sti which was already removed long time ago. Not the latest code of Sti was used
in input. Could we use standard Sti for iTPC. And if not, why?
8. There is a __NEW_TPCCATracker__ cpp flag. That means that NEW and OLD tracker should have different libraries.
Support is not easy. QUESTION: if _NEW_TPCCATracker__ is ON, old TPC will work properly?
9. In StdEdxY2Maker flag __Use_dNdx__ is ON, but official id OFF. For iTPC only ON or not
10. In StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, removing:
Does it contradict to our approach?
11. Some asserts in Sti are commented out. In official version the are not crashed.
Does it mean that in iTPC version it will crash?
- perev's blog
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