StiTpcHit's problems

I wound some strange behaviour of StiTpc hits.

1. Tpc hits XY distribution< simulation:
    a) You can see empty bands in upper/lower and left/right sectors. Why?
    b) It is for both, +ve and -ve Z

   2. The same for real data +ve Z

  4. And for -ve Z

So for the real data it is even more clean. Also there is also additional empty space for -ve Z in the areaa 7 o'clock
But for this probably explanation exists.

5.  Now look dependency of Xloc(padrow) for Tpc hits. +ve Z simulation

  and for -ve Z, simulation:

 Yoy see, deviation is big. For instance padrow 15 deviation is about 45 cm
Now for real data, +ve Z:

   And real data for -ve Z:

  Result mostly the same. Everywhere, in simulation and real data difference between ideal position and real one is about
 40cm for real data and 50 for simulation. Why for simulation it is bigger?
  My impression it is some noise in hit mover.  Amount of them is not too big, but tracking could be affected
  and not in  the best way.

Now to be sure, distribution of Rxy directly from StHit:

Now distribution Xloc - XlocIdeal, for inner part:

Now distribution Xloc - XlocIdeal, for Outer part:

Now the angle distribution of hits inside sector:

      It is ruther good. Now real data:

  It is somehow strange. No explanation