StvKutta development
Tue Feb 25
THelix result with HFT etc. Problem with HFT... hits
In File(s) 0.log
nFiles =1 nEvents = 5 <nEvents>=5
nGlob = 5823 <nGlob> = 1164.60 nGlobMax= 1567
nGgoo = 4293 <nGgoo> = 858.60 nGgooMax= 1181 Ggoo/Gtot=0.737
nPrim = 1658 <nPrim> = 331.60 nPrimMax= 486 Ptot/Gtot=0.285
nPgoo = 1363 <nPgoo> = 272.60 nPgooMax= 399 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.317
Tpc Hits = 231101 used 132145 (57.18%) perTrack 22.694
Sst Hits = 176 used 35 (19.89%) perTrack 0.006
Pxl Hits = 40932 used 171 ( 0.42%) perTrack 0.029
Ist Hits = 219 used 89 (40.64%) perTrack 0.015
Tpc Gits = 231101 used 117679 (50.92%) perTrack 27.412
Sst Gits = 176 used 35 (19.89%) perTrack 0.008
Pxl Gits = 40932 used 171 ( 0.42%) perTrack 0.040
Ist Gits = 219 used 89 (40.64%) perTrack 0.021
THelix.DEV + other DEV
nFiles =1 nEvents = 5 <nEvents>=5
nGlob = 5811 <nGlob> = 1162.20 nGlobMax= 1572
nGgoo = 4271 <nGgoo> = 854.20 nGgooMax= 1181 Ggoo/Gtot=0.735
nPrim = 1686 <nPrim> = 337.20 nPrimMax= 441 Ptot/Gtot=0.290
nPgoo = 1378 <nPgoo> = 275.60 nPgooMax= 363 Pgoo/Ggoo=0.323
Tpc Hits = 231101 used 131672 (56.98%) perTrack 22.659
Sst Hits = 176 used 5 ( 2.84%) perTrack 0.001
Pxl Hits = 40932 used 17 ( 0.04%) perTrack 0.003
Tpc Gits = 231101 used 117295 (50.75%) perTrack 27.463
Sst Gits = 176 used 5 ( 2.84%) perTrack 0.001
Pxl Gits = 40932 used 17 ( 0.04%) perTrack 0.004
Thu Feb 20
Thu Sep 12 2019
Thu Aug 8 2019
First track
Then the same track again:
Thu May 16 2019
It was found that there are double hits in simulation.
file hijing_988_fieldon_ideal_sdt20160517_5evts.fzd
So you see twins splited by Z. I checked fz file, no twins. So they are created in StTpcHitMaker.
I tested in DEV and SL18h. They are there.
Then I got event file:
It was created starreco 352373037 Oct 7 2013
You see, that not accepted hits actually are better than accepted ones. These additional hits really destroy the quality.
Thu Apr11 2019
file rcf1296_02_100evts.event.root
fil = "hijing_988_fieldon_ideal_sdt20160517_5evts.event.root";
Thu Feb14 2019
After long attempts was fixed matrix of derivatives & direction changes for TRungeKutta
In result we have:
opt = "P2016a,Sti,btof,mtd,pxlHit,istHit,sstHit,picoWrite,PicoVtxVpd,BEmcChkStat,QAalltrigs,CorrX,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,-hitfilt";
fil = "/star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq";
dotDEV Sti
Feb14 2019
I <nGlob> = 1181.33
<nGgoo> = 881.00
<nPrim> = 317.33
<nPgoo> = 265.33
Tpc Hits = 140917 used 80820(57.35%) perTrack 22.805
Sst Hits = 109 used 17(15.60%) perTrack 0.005
Pxl Hits = 24357 used 90( 0.37%) perTrack 0.025
Ist Hits = 97 used 42(43.30%) perTrack 0.012
Tpc Gits = 140917 used 72100(51.16%) perTrack 27.280
Sst Gits = 109 used 17(15.60%) perTrack 0.006
Pxl Gits = 24357 used 90( 0.37%) perTrack 0.034
Ist Gits = 97 used 42(43.30%) perTrack 0.016
Feb14 2019
<nGlob> = 1182.33
<nGgoo> = 882.67
<nPrim> = 318.67
<nPgoo> = 262.33
Tpc Hits = 140917 used 80860(57.38%) perTrack 22.797
Sst Hits = 109 used 2( 1.83%) perTrack 0.001
Pxl Hits = 24357 used 5( 0.02%) perTrack 0.001
Tpc Gits = 140917 used 72236(51.26%) perTrack 27.279
Sst Gits = 109 used 2( 1.83%) perTrack 0.001
Pxl Gits = 24357 used 5( 0.02%) perTrack 0.002
FIXED derivatives + backward() TkDir + cut factor removed
.DEV/StvKutta Tue Feb 13 2019
<nGlob> = 1545.00
<nGgoo> = 722.67
<nPrim> = 448.33
<nPgoo> = 287.00
Tpc Hits = 140917 used 71994(51.09%) perTrack 15.533
Ist Hits = 97 used 61(62.89%) perTrack 0.013
Pxl Hits = 24357 used 138( 0.57%) perTrack 0.030
Tpc Gits = 140917 used 61044(43.32%) perTrack 28.157
Ist Gits = 97 used 48(49.48%) perTrack 0.022
Pxl Gits = 24357 used 103( 0.42%) perTrack 0.048
gGlob | gPrim | TpcHits/tk | HftHits/tk | N Hft hits | |
Sti DEV | 883 | 262 | 27.28 | 0.003 | 7 |
Sti dotDEV | 881 | 265 | 27.28 | 0.056 | 149 |
StvKutta | 723 | 287 | 28.16 | 0.070 | 151 |
So StvKutta sometimes worse , sometimes better than Sti.
So now it is comparable. Sure, additional tuning is needed.
Thu Aug23 2018
Seed image
Track image, see missed hits
Now seed image for StvEval:
And track image for StvEval
Thu Aug16 2018
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }
1. Chi2 always bigger than Sti & StvEval
2. Parameter differences usually worse than Sti & StvEval,
BUT for Q/Pt is better than StvEval and close to Sti
3. Difference fpt tan(Lamda) the same for all (Fig 36)
4. DcaZ all very close(Fig 42)
5. Efficiency Sti 5% better StvEval 5% better StvKutta (fig 168)
From 200 jobs 10 events in each 33 failed.
Thu Nov30 2017
Test made on file /star/rcf/test/daq/2016/135/st_physics_17135012_raw_2000025.daq
Only 3 events. More statisics is needed
StvKutta is working but some results worse than StvOld, some better. For sure better than Sti
The StvOld Xi2(Pt)
Now the same StvKutta: More flat
StvOld Xi2(Lamda)
And the same Xi2(Lamda) in StvKutta:
Now the same logic but nHits instead of Xi2:
StvOld nHits(Pt);
StvKutta nHits(Pt)
Now StvOld nHits(lamda)
And the last one StvKutta nHits(Lamda)
nGlob | nG>15 | nPrim | nP>15 | nHits | HitUsage | |
Sti | 1194 | 537 | 298 | 239 | 22 | 56% |
StvOld | 1526 | 862 | 558 | 370 | 19 | 61% |
StvKutta | 1844 | 725 | 489 | 261 | 13 | 51% |
1. StvOld Xi2 increasing with Pt but StvKutta is flat.
2. Both StvOld and SkvKutta no dependency Xi2 from lambda.
3. StvOld nHits(Pt) decreasing with Pt but in StvKutta flat
4. nHits(Lambda) more flat for StvKutta
5. Looking on the table above results are very unclear.
But amount of tracks 30% still less in StvKutta
- perev's blog
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