OSAPS Proton Femtoscopy Talk (12+3)

Versions to STAR Talks
Initial version updates from PWGBC version:
Slide 13: Replaced the missing energy labels on the plots (they somehow got removed in the PWGBCv4 version) and added a bullet saying we need more 19.6 GeV statistics (spurred by Daniel's comment)
Slide 14: Added a sub-bullet "Hopeful for more 19.6 GeV data from next BES" to "Small hints at non-zero Δo seen in p-p C11!?" conclusion

Versions To PWGBC
v4 includes the following changes/updates:
Slides 10-13: Updated plots to have larger plotted area by removing the spacing and axis labels between plots. Some of the text was rearranged as well.
39 GeV plots: I've put a higher statistics run over the MuDst's in, there are still some more statistics hadd'ing and some in failed jobs. I wanted to put out the updated plot look to get sign-offs. I presume updated statistics wont cause any major holdbacks.

v3 includes the following changes/updates:
Slide 4: minor wording change:  "likewise the opposite" -> "converse also true"
Slide 5: Update bottom text to explicitly show which contradictory sign was being discussed; <r_B> - <r_\bar{B}>
Slide 8: Added picture to explain pair cuts, Removed STAR Picture (EEMC on wrong side, fairly cramped)
Slide 9: Wording updated to make it clear the centrality and energy scaling was expected, not "good"
Slide 10: Updated wording to make it clear pbar-pbar CF's looked like p-p CF's, changed wording from statistics challenged to more statistics needed
Slide 13: Removed sub-bullet about being statistics challenged
Slide 14: Un-Greyed out the summary bullets

v2 includes the following changes/updates:
Slide 4: Simplify explanation to remove need for specific forms of particle yield. Removed cartoon Baryon yield plot.
Slide 5: Simplify explanation to focus on the \mu_B(r) / T(r) interplay and which theorists predict which
Slide 8: Changed \Delta_o line to an arrow, to emphasize our sensitivity to the sign in this measurement
Slide 9 (formerly 9+10): Newer STAR picture, combined cuts slide with this. Previous version included the y cut and remarked "symmetric rapidity" simply meaning the rapidity region was symmetric about 0. In Femtoscopic analysis this means \Delta_long = 0 for identical colliding nuclei
Slide 14 (formerly 15): Greyed out and separated summary bullets. Added a ? to the small hints of non-zero \Delta_o! final conclusion line (we're still not 100% ready to say there is a definite signal yet)