HF minutes 2018/05/03

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slide 4: EMC/SMD eID efficiency show large difference between BHT1 and HBT2.

Also the tracking efficiency differs, and is actually lower for BHT1. This needs to be investigated.



We released only 0-10%centrality  D+, but here 10-40% is used. Please use the 0-10% instead.

If Sooraj can get the new La_c results it needs to be updated.

Update latest D0 uncertainty from Guannan.



Please check consistency between different runs and mu-mu and e-e channels

and combine them to one result.



Fit the centrality dependence of the systematic errors from yield extraction.

Use the the track without HFT hits to extract syst. errors. from tracking.
Plot pt dependence of the nHits ratio.

Produce plot of fit parameters of nsigma_dE/dx distribution.