HF minutes 2018/10/18

1) Upsilon->mumu l in Run14 Au+Au @ 200 GeV -  Zhe-Jia Zhang
a) Going to work on pt dependent analysis of LR.
b)It is of interest to see how will the systematic errors evolve since the the cuts significantly modify the shape of the background. it should be confirmed that the gain in statistics is not countered by increased systematic error.

2) Update on the D0 v1 analysis - Subhash Singha
a) It was discussed whether how to handle the efficiency weighting - include it as statistical error or systematical error.
b)p 18 and 19 - There are differences between Subhash's and Sooraj's analysis which is rather large
and should be investigated.
c)sl 21 - Question was raised if the RMS difference from the average is a good way to of getting the syst. error

3) Update on D0 v3 analysis in 2016 + 2014 Au+Au@200GeV -Yue Liang
a)sl 9-11 Pleas check the fits. The widths seem uderestimated.
b)sl 16 Suggested to try to use v2 of light hadrons or models for the pt shape.