HF minutes 2019/2/28

1) Ds analysis update - Chuan Fu

On slide 6 it seems that all the yields from bin counting are systematically higher which bring us to a discussion about slides 3-5.
On slide 3, upper right plot there are the blue points at 1.95 GeV which have basically the same value, but significantly different error bars.
If those are only raw counts then it looks suspicious.Do you understand why it looks like that?
It also looks as if the fitted background was systematically above the measure blue markers.
There could be some issue with normalization which could, at least partially, explain the difference between the two methods of yield extraction.
At slides 22-24 the systematic errors for run16 are higher and often significantly while the statistics is not so different between the two runs.

2) Upsilon signal fitting in p+p 500 - Leszek Kosarzewski

slide 5 - the error bands seem to overestimated while at slide 6 upper-left plot they are ok. If this is due to correlation between
parameters of the fit one may try different parametrization.

in the same plot. It needs to be understood why there is the "jumped" point at 8 GeV. This could be due to the applied efficiencies.

Slide 8 and on: Could you fit the distribution of pulls to see if there are any offsets?