FGT Event Display Progress


The first two figures below show "hit" strips in the FGT looking end on with no 3D perspective.  Color indicates increasing ADC-ped value coded with rainbow colors (red being the lowest intensity and purple being the highest).  The large section of purple strips in Disc 4 Quad B show hit with a full value of the ADC register in every event.  This is probably an indication of a hardware failure.  These are surpressed in other plots by masking out hits which show an ADC in the higher time bins.  This mask may also remove some real data.  A better method should be used to mask out bad channels.


The next three figures show a perspective drawing of the FGT hit strips in the detector.  The inner bound of the TPC is drawn.  And the East endcap is visable in the background.



Perspective views:


Strip color toggled off:


Mask for hits in high time bins disabled:



Here's a screen shot with the event display from a data collection run.  A track is evident in pairs of clusters in disks 4 and 5.



Low angle track hits 5 of 6 disks.


Another Low Angle track through 5 disks.


Two Tracks: