FGT IOC moved back to fgt-ops

Uncertain about unexplained errors with the IOC on softioc3, I moved the fgt IOC back to fgt-ops.  It is using the same code as we had last year.

It took most of the day to remember the few setup changes that were required to make it operate just the way the new IOC did.

This email was sent to the group earlier this evening...
I've fixed the alarm setup for the low voltage supply.  That has cleared the "General HV alarm."

When I took over the system I found channel u103 3D was actually tripped.  When I talked to Ramiro a few hours ago he described the channel as tripped.  I instructed him on clearing the trip and he was able to ramp the channel again.  Current for 3D looks just like the other quadrants.  Perhaps the high current is beam related.

I successfully ramped 3D to STANDBY and then to PHYSICS by hand.  All of this was done at 10 V/s.  It has been holding that voltage for at least 10 minutes now.  I've observed nothing unusual.

I'll keep an eye on it for a little while here.  I'm going to port some modification to the FEE temperature monitoring which we made yesterday.  Then the setup on fgt-ops should be exactly the same as we had on softioc3.  I'll give you a call when I'm done with that Bernd.

Also... to respond to the earlier concern about channels showing zero voltage sporadically, I'll concur with Gerrit.  These are usually just network communication failures.  The real voltage remains stable.  The readback reports -999.