iTPC discussion

Minutes for EVO iTPC discussion, Aug. 5,  9-10:00 pm (BNL time).

Att: Alexei, Chengguang, Ernst, Grazyna, Hui, Qinghua, Zhangbu

Items discussed during the meeting:
1) Funding update in China and got the money for making prototypes.
2) TPC dEdx resosution question from Chengguang
3) Aleixi looked at the spare TPC sector, took pictures.  Then will check the procedure to send to China.
4) Aleixi found documentation for measuring wire tension.

Minutes for EVO iTPC discussion, July 22 9-10:30 pm (BNL time).

Att: Alexei, Chengguang, Ernst, Hui, Huan, Jim,  Jinhui, Qinghua, Zhangbu

The status of iTPC project, and the preparation, funding, and plans at SDU are discussed.  Several detailed items in below:

1) DoE proposal, a few parts still being worked on

2) Optimization of pad plane design, prefer to choose devTC (pad size 0.5x1.6 cm, 40 rows), Hui/Tonko

3) Insertion Tool for remove/install TPC sectors, Aleixi will look into this.

4) Mechanism design, Zhangbu/Jim/Eric will work on this.

5) Tool to measure wire tension is essential. Alexei will have a look if BNL has a similar tool.

6) Search for good anode wire, low noise, check ATLAS and ALICE with their experience, Aleixi/Chenguang/Jim

7) Al. strongback production, currently only 2-D drawing available. First look at U. Texas shop to see whether they can produce it, Jim/Zhangbu

8) Send a TPC sector model without wire to China/SDU to learn the procedure and technique on making new one.  Aleixi/Jim/Zhangbu

9) Several experts visit China/SDU in October or early November to discuss the plan to make a prototype.  Zhangbu/Qinghua