HF PWG Weekly Meeting minutes, 2015,12,17

1) Run16 triggers
vpd mb trigger for HFT, future pile up protection: Guannan and Xin are doing test with Run 14 data without pile up protection, to see TPC and HFT efficiency change - hopefully done in 1 week and ready to be discussed in the first trigger board meeting next year.
single muon and e-mu triggers: not much gain for physics analysis on the basis of other existing triggers, will get rid of or reduce to very low rate
di-mu trigger: there is some discussion about any way to optimize more the trigger conditions like cut window (for time difference I guess). Lijuan mentioned the different set ups for production_high and production_low in Run 14. With tighter cuts, 70% trigger rate is obtained with 80% efficiency. So the gain is small. But I think this option is still open if we have no other choice. At least it's better than put a prescale there.
We need better J/psi->mumu and Lc result projections to help understand what we can get with a certain amount of data. It will be good the have them before early Jan for the trigger board discussion.
We don't need BHT2-30 trigger given the tight band width so far.
2) update of J/psi analysis in central UU collisions - signal corrections from data - Jana 
3) projection for B->Jpsi in run16 - Bingchu