minutes for heavy flavor pwg meeting 2015/08/06

1) NPE analysis in central UU collisions - Katarina

Page 2. Another option rather than sampling histogram, is to integral the fit function over a pT bin and compare with the value at bin central.

Page 3. It is suggested to put also this plot into the conference presentation, and put in D0 results in the same plot.

It is suggested to do some correction for now for the centrality (nBinary)  bias, and do cut and reweight later. This applies to all results.

page 4: It is suggested to send details of systematics for base line, which are correlated and which are uncorrelated.

Page 6: Left plot, suggested to use the same binning as the results in Page 8. 

page 9: It is suggested to make the theoretic curves more distinguishable from each other, and more details about the theoretical curves in the slides.

2) D0 v2 - Liang