QA for P17if production of st_rp stream

QA of P17if production of st_rp stream

QA plots:

  • Number of vertices with at least one track matched to hit in TOF:
Comment: We would naively expect that with option useBTOFmatchOnly there will be only vertices with at least 1 track matched to TOF, whereas we see in muDST that there are primary vertices without any TOF-matched tracks.
We have checked with STARsim if problem also appears in MC. It looks like the problem shows up only for data. We ran some PYTHIA Single Diffraction events through STARsim with the following BFC options:
We don't observe
vertices without TOF-matched tracks:
  • Missing pT of the system of 2 RP tracks (with fiducial region requirement) and 2 opposite-sign TOF-matched TPC tracks (identified as pions and kaons):
 Comment: We observe slightly higher increase of efficiency in the region of low missing pT (where the signal is present), which indicates better signal-to-background ratio. (Old data was scaled by the ratio of NEventsInNewMuDST and NEventsInOldMuDST).
  • Invariant mass of 2 opposite-sign TOF-matched TPC tracks (identified as pions and kaons) with missing pT<75 MeV:
Comment: The shape of spectrum has changed as expected - the main increase of number of signal events is in the low-mass region (vertexing efficiency increased mainly in the low-mass region). Overall statistics has improved by factor >~2. (Old data was scaled by the ratio of NEventsInNewMuDST and NEventsInOldMuDST).