Integrated luminosity using the coincidence BHT3

Below is the integrated luminosity for the BHT3 trigger as calculated using the BHT3~coincidence trigger (requiring away sum ADC>97).  It's possible I've missed something, but preliminary checks all look good. 



Fill,   LT (nb^-1),

10383,  0.000000

10398,  0.000000

10399,  0.000000

10402,  0.000000

10403,  0.000000

10404,  0.000000

10407,  269.908966

10412,  1041.066650

10415,  658.346130

10426,  135.426132

10434,  605.756958

10439,  303.537140

10448,  312.067963

10449,  338.655029

10450,  292.870361

10454,  124.202621

10455,  475.219086

10463,  218.339813

10464,  51.271095

10465,  139.628540

10471,  321.207886

10476,  18.940176

10478,  64.661713

10482,  580.194092

10486,  563.257385

10490,  453.954620

10494,  682.417908

10505,  601.727356

10507,  312.757294

10508,  217.576294

10517,  355.953796

10525,  763.001038

10526,  408.406830

10527,  938.170227

10528,  360.649658

10531,  1034.564697

10532,  872.319824

10535,  1002.189087

10536,  430.062103

SumL=14948.312500 nb^-1



The value used for APS (found here), was a total of: 13740.318359 nb^-1, so there is very little change between the two numbers at first glance.  However, the previous number had non-zero entries for fills 10383-10404, meaning the full sum will be a good deal higher.  I've checked individual runs  within each fill, and the general expectation holds:  There are fewer abort gap counts (predominantly zero), as well as fewer BHT3 counts (after aplying the coincidence requirement).  This is made up for by the decreased BHT3(+coincidence) cross section, and the overall integrated luminosity increases.
The next step is to check the ratio of the (L2wRandom+coincidence) to the L2jet, and make sure it's consistent.  (This has been done.