EMC variation before Jet Clustering

Tai Sakuma has extended the current jet code to allow extra branches, with variations of EMC energies, to be included in the jet tree production.  I have copied his code and made a new tree.  The attached file below compares jet spectra for the default branch (black), +5% increase (blue) and -%5 decrease (red).  The top row shows the raw spectra, while the bottom row shows the default - variation branch.

These plots are for one file from run 7139035 so they are statistics limited.  However, I think the jet pT and neuR plots behave exactly as we  would expect.  I have also verified by hand from a few events that the increase is only in the tower spectrum and that it is the requested 5%.

I propose that Pibero and Dave review the code and if everyone agrees that it be checked in for use with the new jet tree production.

NOTE:  This code only works right now for the BEMC!

Relvent macros etc : ~rfatemi/fromTai