2009 200 GeV SpinDb (full MuDst)

Run list for spinDb deterimination in ~rfatemi/forTJ/FinishedRuns2009  goes from 10111030 - 10180034

 Files located at /star/intitutions/uky/rfatemi/2009Bxing/

 21 of the 1745 runs have an unexpected (non-zero) 7bit beamXing value:

 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10179071 counter = 26     fill = 11004
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10174072 counter = 126   fill = 10972
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10173083 counter = 154   fill = 10969
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10173081 counter = 156   fill = 10969
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10172016 counter = 207   fill = 10962
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10172012 counter = 208   fill = 10962
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10165021 counter = 387   fill = 10925
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10132012 counter = 1160 fill = 10732
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10132010 counter = 1162 fill = 10732
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10132009 counter = 1163 fill = 10732
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10128026 counter = 1259 fill = 10711
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10128010 counter = 1266 fill = 10711
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10128002 counter = 1272 fill = 10711
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10125055 counter = 1332 fill = 10702
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10121087 counter = 1454 fill = 10686
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10118064 counter = 1505 fill = 10671
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10118057 counter = 1511 fill = 10671
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10118050 counter = 1512 fill = 10669
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10118049 counter = 1513 fill = 10669
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10118047 counter = 1515 fill = 10669
 Bad bxoff7 for Run# =10117041 counter = 1549 fill = 10663


2 runs with bx48 ok but bx7 10K events in bin 0

- 10172016  - bx48 ok but bx7 10K events in bin 0 (F10962 Runs 10172012 - 10172023)

- 10172012  - bx48 ok but bx7 10K events in bin 0 (F10962 Runs 10172012 - 10172023)

Four remaining runs give good bXing so these bad runs should have the same Bxing. Will not load these two runs but will load the remaining runs in the fill.

3 runs with <10 events

- 10165021 - 7 events

- 10118057 - 0 events

- 10117041 - 1 event

Do not load spinDb for these runs even though in theory they have the same Bxing as the remaining runs in the fills.


These 4 runs have only 6 bunches

- 10118047 (F10669 Runs 10118047 -10118050)

- 10118049 (F10669 Runs 10118047 -10118050)

- 10118050 (F10669 Runs 10118047 -10118050)

- 10118064 (F10671 Runs  10118057 -10118066)

Do not load spinDb for these runs or any runs in these fills


1 run Bx7 goes from 30-38 and is off by 1

- 10121087 ( F10686  runs 10121087 - 10121097)

This run is first in fill and the rest are fine. How can this be? Decide to NOT load entire fill.


3 runs Bx7 goes from 31-40 instead of 39

- 10173081 (F10969 Runs 10173074 -10173090)

- 10173083 (F10969 Runs 10173074 -10173090)

- 10174072 (F10972 Runs 10174065 -10174083)

 Decide to NOT load entire fills.


3 runs Bx7 goes from 110-0 instead of 110-119.  31-39 bxing is ok:

-10132009 (F10732 Runs 10131079 -10132034)

-10132010 (F10732 Runs 10131079 -10132034)

-10132012 (F10732 Runs 10131079 -10132034)

Decide to NOT load ALL runs in this FILL


4 runs No Bxing at all

- 10125055 (F10702  Runs 10125052 -10125068)

- 10128002 (F10711  Runs 10127038 -10128036)

- 10128010 (F10711  Runs 10127038 -10128036)

- 10128026 (F10711  Runs 10127038 -10128036)

Decide to NOT load ALL runs in this FILL


1 run with serious background and very unclear bxing

- 10179071  (F11004  Runs 10179057-10179077)

Decide to NOT load ALL runs in this FILL


There are 21 BAD runs and 85 more runs that are excluded because they are in fills with bad runs.