PPV 500 GeV test run QA

Code is at:


compiled in SL09b

Info to be filled in here....

104444 events
104090 events with rank > 0 vertices
84438 events with index 0 vertex rank > 0
only 758 bbc vertices


Figure 1: rank of index 0 vertices


Figure 2: Vz for index 0 vertices with rank > 0

Figure 3: # vertices/event of all ranks


Figure 3b: # of positively ranked vertices per event

Figure 4: vpd Vz

Figure 5: bbc Vz

Figure 6: # of tracks used in index 0 vertex with rank > 0

Figure 7: # of BEMC matched tracks in index 0 vertex with rank > 0

Figure 8: # of tracks matched with EEMC for index 0 vertex with rank > 0


Figure 8b: # of TPC Central membrane crossing tracks.  Still no TPC CM matched tracks....  This number is coming from the call MuDst->primaryVertex()->nCrossCentralMembrane()  There are tracks associated with the vertex which do cross the membrane (i.e. they start at pos z and project to neg z) but they are not being labeled as such.  Since the association occurs



Figure 9: Refmult of index 0 vertex with rank > 0