AuAu 53 GeV - A second look

Executive summary:
Things are looking nice.

Fine tuning the thresholds gives us:


This was run over the 733,013 available events in FastOffline MuDsts in the st_physics stream.  I am using the dNdEta.C written by Mike Lisa for this analysis.  The only selection right now is:
|Vz| < 50
Vr < 2

Giving us 416781 events (~57% "good" though, no care was taken beyond the above criteria).

The vertex distribution is:

There is a slight offset in the Vy value (~3 mm).

Comparing the vertex with the vertices from the other detectors:

The distribution of vpd vz - vz is centered about ~4 cm, but the VPD has not been timed yet so this will be fixed. I have no idea what the second bump in the BBC Vz distribution is from....

First we can look at the ADC distributions:
And the TDC:
And the TAC:

With some examples:

Note that I plotted these for all tiles, without taking care to only plot those that we know have a signal.  We can look at the chart prepared by Mike:

To get an idea.  The tiles hooked up to a QT32C with a modified QT8 card currently do not have TDCs.

The can also look at the associated 2D distributions:

With some examples:

Of course, what we are most interested in is the hit map (thresholds for all tiles are still at their default 10):

Where the fuzziness in phi and eta comes from the vertex position.  (An earlier plot without the vertex constrains is much fuzzier.)  And of course, dN/deta:

Next I tried to set the thresholds to more reasonable values, this can be seen channel by channel:

This did not make much of a difference:

The red is using the default of 10, the black is with a careful-ish analysis.