EPD Analysis - 32b vs 32c, timing, correlations, etc.

I am now completely confused about where we are.  I have analyzed runs 18113012 and 18113013, recorded this Sunday so their configuration should be the most recent.  I have used Mike's code to analyze the data, with mapping file: epdMap.txt.04052017

First question: Is this the most recent mapping?  I believe there may have been some additional swapping around of boards in the tests of the QT32c.

First I looked at the ADC spectra for all channels:
Also plotted channel-by-channel:

First note - I realized that the file the the new vbias values was not uploaded.   Mea Culpa....   So this is why the MIP peaks aren't all lined up.  I will change this and recheck, but I don't think this is particularly important at the moment.

I note that PP = 5, Tile = 6 is the only tile not showing a signal.

From the April 12th email from Prashanth, I see:

EPD Access Action Item I

1) Test pulse from RCC2 is T-split. One is connected to e-scope ch#1
(redacted). Second is connected to 0x16-QTC 4th channel (ADC).
Corresponding TAC is 8th channel. QT gate from 0x16 is connected to ch3
of scope.

Diff/Rx 4th board 4th channel is un-plugged. In EPD plots PP5 Tile-6
shows test pulse.

2) PP5 Tile-2 is Resistive splitted.

One is connected to QTC 0x16 2nd channel(ADC). Corresponding TAC is 6th

Second is connected to QTC 0x16 3nd channel(ADC). Corresponding TAC is
7th channel.

In EPD plots:
PP5 Tile 2 show QTC 0x16 2nd channel
PP5 Tile 4 show QTC 0x16 3nd channel
I think this explains the lack of signal in PP5 TT6.

PP = 5, Tile = 30 looks like the pedestal wasn't correct....  I will not worry about this for the moment.

Next, I will look at the ADC vs TAC, which can be found at:

These were run with a Tier 1 file that had the following values: (April 18 from Prashanth)

For comparison, my earlier study can be found at:
(Still looks weird on the QT32c TAC - ADC values)

New tier1 file is uploaded with best values, from run 18108080.
The values are

                        Gate Start       Gate Stop        TAC stop
data start address
0x10(QTB)              99                        115                -
0x12(QTB)              99                        115                -
0x16(QTB)              99                        115               22
0x18(QTC)              99                        115               32

Online plots look good for QTB boards


I would agree that these look reasonable for the QT32B board.  Personally I think the TAC stop also looks fine, so I think we can continue with the 32B studies.

However, the QT32C board looks completely weird (ignoring for a moment the spike issue).  We have seen ADC TAC distributions that looked reasonable for this in the past, so I think we have confused ourselves in all the settings.

First we should remind ourselves of the scan data that Mike had analyzed:
See: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/subsys/epd/operations-2017/timing
Conclusion: Detailed scan [-32,+16] - shows best START for QT32Bs is -8 and best START for QT32Cs is -20

In my earlier analysis, I concluded that our QT32C values from run 18100007 were correct.

We need to put the QT32C in correctly - First do a test run to confirm the setting, then set the start and stop.  We may need another stop scan for this.

Then I started looking at correlations with the BBC.  It's not so easy to see where the correlation should be, I used Joey's presentation at:
It seemed that BBC Tile 3 was a tile under the EPD.  But it looked like he was using BBC tile 5.  I must admit, I am confused.
I correlated the EPD (each tile) in two tiles as can be seen in:
Accessed BBC through: data->BBCadc[0][2]
Accessed BBC through: data->BBCadc[0][5]

It would be nice to have a smoking gun FOM.