EPD macros

The macros attached (with extensions of .txt that need to be changed to .C) can be used with some EPD functionality.


This takes the file generated by the ivscan function, which is an ascii file, and translates it into a root file with a histogram for each FEE board.  The IV Scan button is located on the gui (https://dashboard1.star.bnl.gov/daq/EPD_UI/?EPD)

The file appears on daqman in the folder:
The file names for the ivscan are of the form:
(Time isn't EST, and ## is assigned somewhat sequentially.)
Note: Root is not installed on daqman, so it's best to copy the ascii data file to another computer.

This takes the root file generated by ivscanconvert and draws a pdf of the dark current from that IVscan with each page a separate FEE card

This macro uses as an input the txt file used in mapping the detector (This lives on daqman at /RTS/conf/epd/EPD_TUFFmap.txt) and can generate new files.  There are several modes (see top of the file), where a user can change the vbias or vped for each channel or use a text file to give a new vped channel by channel.  This macro will undergo some changes once the mapping is confirmed.

These macros will help understand the mapping.  For return_EW_PP_TT_to_ADC, a person can enter the ew/pp/tt and get the QT board information.  For return_ADC_to_EW_PP_TT the QT information can be entered and the ew/pp/tt will be returned.  This simply makes checking an individual tile or channel easier.