EPD Performance in 7.7 GeV

The discussion at the ops meeting was on how to increase the rate of good collisions.  One thought was to increase the EPD QT window, though this could then have a non-linear effect on the MIP peak position.

For run  20162031, EPD_QTc_E_TAC_Max and EPD_QTc_W_TAC_Max were increased from 3200 to 4000, but unfortunately with only 25k collisions this is not so easy to analyze, that isnt' even really enough to fit a nice mip peak in a given tile.

But this caused me to look a little closer.  The MIP peaks are very close to the noise and much broader even with the nominal conditions.

Just looking at the online ADC distributions:

Figure 1: Selected ADC spectra from 14.5 GeV.

Figure 2: Selected ADC spectra from 7.7 GeV.