Map test procedure for the EPD

To test the mapping of the EPD, we change the vped setting in order to shift the pedestal value which can be picked up after reconstruction.  Additionally, we change the bias voltage so that we can look at the mapping pattern in real time using the GUI.

Verify that all diff-rx connections are there!!

To do this, first log into daqman:
ssh -A -Y
ssh -t -A -Y
ssh evpops@daqman

The password for daqman is written in the EPD logbook, and is in the big binder of passwords.

cd /RTS/conf/epd/

First, we want to set the vped = 0 to define our "zero" state.

cp MappingPatterns2018/Zeros_02222018.txt EPD_TUFFmap.txt

On your webbrowser, go to the gui at:

Click on physics...  Let it wait until you see the small wheel on the left turns green.  Now the changes are in place.  (You could also click in the upper right hand corner to select the expert page and that shows the table of values which should also reflect the results.)

Next, start a pedestal rhic clock clean run.  Make sure that eq1, eq1, eq3 + bbc + defaults are in.  1000 events.

Next, for sanity checking, start a 1000 event ped As Phys run.


cp MappingPatterns2018/Pattern1.txt EPD_TUFFmap.txt
Click on physics
Set the display to bias.  Change the scale to go from 56V to 60V.  This will give us blue = 0, green = low, red = high.
Once the settings are in place, take a screen shot of the setting.

Run 1000 event ped As Phys run.

Repeat for Patterns2 - 7.txt

Next, we need to put the detector back to it's default setting to minimize confusion.
cp EPD_TUFFmap02222018.txt EPD_TUFFmap.txt

Click on physics

Take a pedestal rhic clock clean

Now we need to check out the daq files associate with our runs.

Go to rcf:
ssh -A -Y
rterm -i

You can check the precise file names using:
hsi ls /home/starsink/raw/daq/2018/day/runnumber/

But, for us, they will generally have the form st_physics_19044049_raw_0000001.daq

Create a hpss.list file using whatever editor conforms to your religion.  Each line corresponds to a different run number, and should have the form:
/home/starsink/raw/daq/2018/day/runnumber/st_physics_runnumber_raw_0000001.daq /star/data03/daq/2018/day/runnumber/st_physics_runnumber_raw_0000001.daq

Then you submit this by using the command: -f hpss.list

You can check the progress using: -p

This can take a minute or several hours.

The files will appear at: /star/data03/daq/2018/day/runnumber/

Next, put up a blog post with each screen shot, the run number associated with it and the pattern label.  Email Mike the location of the .daq files and the blog.  (Note, best if you give him permission to edit the blog.)

And you're done!  Have a snack.