Process reminder for TMVA regression

This is just a reminder on how the current process is being handled. Senior year is hectic. 

  • Make/modify the embedding.C/.cc file 
  • Make the executable file from the .cc/C file
    • will have to make a makefile
  • Use a shell script to run the .exe file 
    • Write the shell script in compliance if you want to loop over all partonic bins or an individual partonic bin 
    • Pass the .exe all required parameters in the shell script
  • The shell script will produce the embedding*.root file that you need for the TMVARegression
  • Withing the TMVARegression.C file, make your TTree with the variables you want to save 
  • Run the TMVAReg.C via ROOT
    • This will produce the .root file that has the regression and the TTree 
  • Run a script to plot the regression