Linux Arc Programmer

How to find and get started using the new Linux version of the ANL ARC firmware programmer.

1) Download the newest Linux version from Andrew's website:

For the following, it will be assumed that you downloaded FgtArc.2011-Dec01.tar.gz

2) cd to a directory where you'd like to extract the file

3) extract the tar file by typing

tar -xzf FgtArc.2011-Dec01.tar.gz

This will make a directory with the same name as the tar file, just without the .tar.gz at the end

4) cd to this directory, e.g.

cd FgtArc.2011-Dec01

5) compile by typing


6) See usage instructions by typing

./FgtArc --help

WARNING: you must open the approriate port on your firewall, or you will never receive responces from the ARC!