FGT Cosmic QA, 1st plots

The following is an example of the most basic plots using the new Fgt QA software (which uses the offline containers and makers).

  I hope the labeling is clear.  Due to the fine bin sizes, the eps version may look slighly different than the following pdf.  This is a feature of the viewing program (and how it deals with details smaller than screen resolution), not of the files.  E.g. in the eps file, the bottom row of plots are obviously not blank, while in the pdf, it is not so clear.  (Unfortunately I cannot upload the eps file to drupal.)  Also, please ignore the actual data, just look at the style of the plots.  Here's the plot.

It is proposed to have such a plot for each of the three quadrants on the test stand.  These will represent the most basic (raw) plots.  Additional plots, such as regarding correlations, common mode noise, and tracking, are in the progress.

Known issues:

  1. The ADC vs r and phi are versus the strip ID, while the pedistals vs r and phi are vs. the position.  I intend to change the ADC to also be position in the near future.  Note: since there are two chambers per quadrant, there are to r-strips at every r-position.  Hence, the double sets of pedistals.
  2. Note: the pedistals vs. channel plot is blank, as I'm awaiting a geoId to (APV, channel) lookup function. Wayne will provide this within a few days.
  3. I'm not very satisfied with the cosmetics of the after pedistal subtracted plots.  Still thinking about this...