EEMC pi0 Cross Section and Spin Asyms -- Pass 1
The point of pass 1 is to make sure all issues are brought to the table, and that the code structure is ready to get the final result. Pass 1 is now complete, and the next step is to improve the major problem areas and solve the open issues.
Choices made for Pass 1
- Reconstruction Algos: standard IU except consider three different SMD clustering algos, IU, Morhac and TSP.
- Background Subtraction: fit a skewed Gaussian (signal) plus a linear function (background) in the region 0.08 to 0.3 GeV in invarient mass. Integrate the number of pi0s (after background subtraction) using the range 0.1 to 0.2.
- Efficiency: IU method, where one computes the efficiency only considering the generated pT bin, and ignoring whether the reconstructed pT is close to the generated pT.
- Formulas used for computing cross section and spin asymetries are posted in this blog.
Open Issues
- Double check computation of the statistical uncertainty
- Reducing various sources of background, specifically falsely split clusters & conversions
- Best way to subtract the background
- Improve estimate of combinatorial background and determine better way to use it (see this talk for current status).
- Consider Pythia's background
- Unfolding the yield per pT bin to correct for pT bin migration
- Do it using the naive 1D migration.
- Does it need to be invarient mass dependent, or include some other variable?
- Reconstruction algos
- Evaluate agreement between reconstruction algos on an event by event level
- Determine some answer regarding the (current) major differences in the estimated cross section and asymmetries
- Ensemble methods, combining several different reconstruction codes
- Non-clustering methods, to reach higher pT (Method of Moments and the conversion method)
- Estimate systematic uncertainties
- Review cuts
Description of the Results
Results for each of the algos are given in the attached PDFs. A subset of 51 runs of the 2006 data was used.
- Pages 1-2: the lumi-weighted yield per pT bin
- Page 3: the efficiency matrix
- Page 4: results
- sgliske's blog
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