EEmc Pi0 Status Page

I'll be updating this page to keep it current with the current status of the EEMC pi0 analysis for both spin asymmetries and cross section.  The outline basically matches the outline of the official Analysis Note, part II.  Items that are marked with something other than "finalize documentation" that I am personally intending to work on have been prioritized, i.e. are marked with red [#1], [#2], etc.

Data Selection

  • Run list
    • 2nd longitudinal done, trans and 1st long. being investigated
    • Need to compare differences in results between new list vs. old list, with vs. with out TPC, trigger thresholds, etc.
  • Cuts--finalized
  • Lumi & Pol Values
    • Need to check with Steve whether there is any prescaling values needing to be applied


  • General Procedure
    • Finalize documentation
  • Background subtraction
    • Finalize documentation
  • Trigger Efficiency
    • Only using runs in trigger threshold set C for the preliminary
    • Need to compare efficiency for other thresholds for the paper
  • Unfolding and Reconstruction Eff
    • Finalize systematics for unfolding
  • Formulas for cross section and asymmetries
    • complete


  • Background Subtraction
    • Need to do variation of fit range and peak window
  • Trig Eff.
    • Energy scale dependance
      • Redo trigger emulation with adc/0.97 (alpha from the fits)
      • Set uncertainty to 1/2 absolute value of difference in the calculated efficiencies
      • Also redo filt eff. part with scale factor of 1/0.97
  • Unfolding
    • Some multiple MC cross check? Maybe not needed if matrix condition value is fine
    • Vary the binning and/or bin placement
  • Final results
    • Check run by run variation
  • Scale uncertainties
    • Lumi & bbc cross section (for cross section)
    • Rel. lumi & polarization (for asymmetry)
    • EEMC Energy Scale
  • Final Systematics
    • Need table of all the various contributions


  • Add theory curves