How to enter new TClonesArray into MuDst
I will use the example of adding a TClonesArray for the class StMuFgtAdc to show how to add a new TClonesArray for an existing detector. Adapt the following for your particular case.
1) Make a new class StMuFgtAdc which inherits from TObject.
- Name must start with StMu
- It is good to make the number of bits used a multiple of 4, otherwise saving unused space due to packing issues
2) Be aware that 6 files are relevant
StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuArrays.h StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuDst.cxx StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuDst.h StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuDstMaker.h
3) Modify StMuArrays.h
- Add an enum for the new TClonesArray
Find the enum fgtTypes
Add a new enum value for the TClonesArray, based on the class name and starting with muFgt.
The enum name is also generally plural.
In this case, I add muFgtAdcs
- Set the new total number of fgt TClonesArrays
Set it to the number of TClonesArrays, i.e. should be the same as the number of values in the enum.
In my case, I up the value from 3 to 4.
4) Modify StMuArrays.cxx
- Identify a name with the TClonesArrays
- Find the line with /*fgtArrayNames [__NFGTARRAYS__ ]*/
- Add the class name, without the leading StMu, in quotations, in the correct position (must match the enum), followed by a comma
- I add "FgtAdc",
- Identify the class type with the TClonesArray
- Find the line with /*fgtArrayTypes [__NFGTARRAYS__ ]*/
- Add the class name, exactly, in quotations, in the correct position (must match the enum), followed by a comma
- I add "StMuFgtAdc",
- Set the initial value for the number of elements
- Find the line with /*fgtArraySizes [__NFGTARRAYS__ ]*/
- Set an initial value for the size of the TClonesArray followed by a comma
- I add 2000,
- Initialize the counters
- Find the line with /*fgtArrayCounters [__NFGTARRAYS__ ]*/
- Add an extra zero-comma (i.e. "0,") so that the number of 0, matches __NFGTARRAYS__
- I'm adding one new array, so I add 0,
5) Modify StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx
- Include the header
- Add the include for the class, with the other StMuFgt* includes
- I add '#include "StMuFgtAdc.h"' after the line for StMuFgtStripAssociation
- Ignore the TObject streamer (i.e. don't save fields inherited from TObject parent)
- Find the line with StMuFgtStrip::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer();
- After the last FGT related class line, and a new line for the new class
- I add: StMuFgtAdc::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer();
- Fill the class
- Find the function void StMuDstMaker::fillFgt(StEvent* ev)
- There's a pointer to the fgtCollection in the StEvent
- Figure out how to fill your new class based on the information in StEvent
- To actually add the class to the TClonesArray, you must use StMuDstMaker::addType(...)
6) No need to modify other files: StMuDst.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h
- Since we just added a new TClonesArray, no need to modify
- Adding a new class rather than a new TClonesArray would be different
7) Compile and test...
- To access the new array, just use StMuDst::fgtArray( type ) as usual, but use the enum value for the new class as the type.
- sgliske's blog
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