How to checkout StFgtDevel

Here's how to get the code in StFgtDevel/StRoot and compile it.

Lets assume you want to put the code into a directory FGT/CVS under your home directory.  Log into a rcf node, and making sure your afs tokens are valid.  You can do this via


Enter your password when prompted.

Now to get started with FGT code, do the following (I'll assume you're using the default csh)

mkdir -p FGT/CVS
cvs co offline/StFgtDevel/StRoot
cd offline/StFgtDevel
starver eval

Once it's all done, the libraries are ready to use!

Note, you can skip compiling certain libraries via %, i.e. if you're not going to use the slow simulator or the MuDst maker, it is much faster to replace the above cons with

cons %StFgtSimulator %StMuDSTMaker