FGT Event Display

So I wrote an event display last January, but never make a blog how to use it.  So here's some instructions, but I'm not sure if changes in the other FGT software (like the a2cmaker) will require making modifications.  I.e., I don't know if this still works or not. The steps are

  1. Make some new directory to work in and cd there
  2. set the star version to dev
  3. checkout needed things from CVS
  4. compile
  5. link some files to make life easier
  6. execute the code on the desired file, specifiying the needed options

The above steps could be accomplished by doing the following:

mkdir ~/fgtEventDisplay
cd ~/fgtEventDisplay

cvs co StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtRawDaqReader StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtCosmicTestStandGeom/ 
cvs co StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtQaMakers/StFgtSingleEventQA.h StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtQaMakers/StFgtSingleEventQA.cxx StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtQaMakers/macro/fgtSingleEvents.C

ln -s StRoot/StFgtPool/StFgtQaMakers/macro/fgtSingleEvents.C
ln -s /star/data03/daq/2012/108/13108067p_rf/st_physics_13108067_raw_3010001.daq

root4star -b -q fgtSingleEvents.C'("st_physics_13108067_raw_3010001.daq","st_physics_13108067_raw_3010001.evtDisplay.root")' > output.txt