Macros to Reproduce Two Blogs

Herein are instructions to reproduce the plots in my two blogs of May 30th.

I will assume you have completed the instructions on this blog to make the dictionaries.  Download the attached file (or else copy if from ~sgliske/Share/example2.tar.gz on a BNL RCF node) and extract in whatever directory you'd like to do the analysis.  There must also be a link your current directory to the EEmcTreeContainers directory with the header files for the containers.  If you followed the instructions for working on a local machine, then  this is already there.  If you are working on a BNL RCF node, you will need to additionally link this directory via (assuming you will do the analysis in ~/EEmcTreeAnalysis/June2012)

cd ~/EEmcTreeAnalysis/June2012
ln -s ~/EEmcTreeCVS/offline/users/sgliske/StRoot/StEEmcPool/EEmcTreeContainers .

We also need to provide a symbolic link to the location of the data files

ln -s /star/institutions/anl/sgliske/data/EEmcTrees/2006/ data

Now you can extract the tar file and enter a root session (the -b says to skip drawing any graphics to the screen--we're not using them yet).  We're going to precompile our selectors.  We do them in seperate root sessions

tar -xzf example2.tar.gz
root -b
.L DistCutSelector.C++
root -b
.L BetaCutSelector.C++

You have just entered root twice, compiled a library, and exited.  You should now be back at the linux prompt.  You can now try creating all the plots used in the blogs via

root -b -q runDistCutSelector.C'("TSP",0)'
root -b -q runDistCutSelector.C'("Morhac",1)'
root -b -q runDistCutSelector.C'("IU",1)'
root -b -q runBetaCutSelector.C'("TSP",0)'
root -b -q runBetaCutSelector.C'("Morhac",1)'
root -b -q runBetaCutSelector.C'("IU",1)'

You might want to try just one of the above, and work through the code, output, and resulting eps files to make sure you understand how it all works.   You are then ready to make some selectors of your own to generate some new histograms.