Location of EEmcTree files

Main Location

The base directory for all EEmcTrees is currently


There are currently 4 subdirectories, one each for

  • 2006 STAR data (called 2006)
  • A production (2006-pp200-qcd-P10ii) of Pythia QCD "background" (Pythia-2006)
  • Additional information, including file lists for the above Pythia production (Pythia-2006.filelists)
  • SimpleMC runs using 2006 geometry with guns of single (or possibly pairs) of particles (SimpleMC-2006)

As of date, the STAR data only incluces 51 runs of approximately 350.  The exact runlist is still needs to be 100% finalized.  These 51 are a subset of the runs used in Weihong He's thesis. 


The luminosity per run per spin state, along with the polarizations of the yellow and blue beam, can be found in this file


The columns are defined as

# run fill r5 r6 r9 r10 bpol bpolerr ypol ypolerr

 Where the r5, r6, r9, r10 are the relative luminosities for the spin states 5, 6, 9 and 10.  This data is taken from other analysis at star, as described in




Lists of relevant files for each of the "pT bins" of the generator are found in the subdirectory Pythia-2006.filelists, i.e.


Additionally, in this directory is a file


 which lists the cross section, as quoted by Pythia, for each *.root file.  These values are needed to combine results across different files, especially accross multiple pT bins.


A text file describes each of the sets and runs generated.  The file can be found here


which is  a symbolic link to
