Example selector inheriting from Pi0user

Make sure in DEV version
Get the files from CVS and compile them (this will grab a bunch of extra files too, but you can ignore these)
cvs co offline/users/sgliske/StRoot/StEEmcPool/EEmcTree/
ln -s offline/users/sgliske/StRoot
Link macros to an easier place
ln -s offline/users/sgliske/StRoot/StEEmcPool/EEmcTree/macros
Link data
ln -s /star/institutions/anl/sgliske/data/EEmcTrees/2006 data

Make file list
ls data/run*EEmcTree_Part1.trig-h.root > filelist.txt

Lets make another list which is just the first 10 entries
head -n 10 filelist.txt > filelist.10runs.txt

Or why not make a list with just he last 50 entries?
tail -n 50 filelist.txt > filelist.50runs.txt

Run the code on the test file using the default cuts
root4star macros/runPi0selector.C'("TSIU","filelist.10runs.txt","pi0Selector.option-set-A-test.root")'

Run again with the cuts which were used in Sept - Thanksgiving
root4star macros/runPi0selector.C'("TSIU","filelist.10runs.txt","pi0Selector.option-set-B-test.root",-120,120,6,10,0.8,2.0,1.11,1.96,0.040,0,0.000,0.012,137641)'

The files you may want to edit are

though most of the cuts can be adjusted at the command line.