Updated pi0 Xsec, AL, ALL

These are the current version of the "money plots" proposed to show at the DNP.

Latest updates (since Sept 20th) include:

  • using L2 mock up trigger at (2, 4) GeV for data and (2.06, 4.12) GeV for MC
  • Theory Curves
  • Energy scale uncertainty is now 3% instead of 2%

Cross Section and data/Theory ratio

Note: statistical uncertainties are smaller than the marker size (there are actually horizontal ticks, almost visable at the largest pT), and the combined uncertainty is the visible uncertainty.

Also note, in analytically computing the systematic uncertainty due to the overall energy scale, the values with all other stat. and sys. uncertainties are used to fit an exponential.  The reduced chi^2 is 1.11525/4 = 0.278813.  Thus, a single exponential (i.e.  single slope) is an extremely good fit do the data points given the uncertainties.

Spin Asymmetries

Note: the chi^2/ndf for A_LL between the new analysis and Weihong's thesis is 13.2208 / 7 = 1.9.  FItting all of A_LL to a constant results in:

Minimizer is Linear
Chi2                      =     7.10008
NDf                       =     7
Par_0                     =     0.0464753       +/-     0.0198542  

Or chi^2/ndf = 1.01 and par_0 is 2.34 sigma from zero and about one sigma of GRSV std (ignoring the theory uncertainty).