2006 pi0 results as of Oct 11th

Updates since blogs before Oct 11th (same preface as on the last blog):

  • It was found that the L2 thresholds were varying on different dates than I though they were--the official trigger pages are apperently is only L0! :(
  • Now, the simu trigger L2 thresholds are set to 3.9 GeV (HT) and 5.5 GeV (TP) and the L0 DSM values were set to 1 more than the highest values used in 2006
    • Thus, both L0 and L2 are slightly above hardware levels and the L2 is above the Pythia filter level (3.8 GeV--before I was using 3.7!)
  • Thus, same simu trigger for all data runs and for Pythia


  • The uncertainty due to the fit width variation didn't get done in time to add to these plots.  This can be updated this afternoon.  (Time needed: 30 minutes x 6 cpus).
  • Only 1/3 of the second longitudinal data was finished in time for these plots.  The extra statistics can be added in the next few days, but will not change the results much.

Fit Results

Chi^2/ndf for fitting template shapes to MC data

This looks about like it did before.


Chi^2/NDF for fitting weights of backgrounds & energy scale using data & template functions

Note: this is much better than before!


Weihong's Chi^2/NDF

Obvious pT dependence.


Alpha factor

Still fairly stable, especially where there is the most data.  Spin states are fixed at the total value, so they all line up in this plot.


Pi0 Peak Position (Me, left; Weihong, right)

The peak position does not look quite so stable as it did before, but the fact of only using 1/3 of the statistics could certianly account for this.

Cross Section Results

Note: the discussed relative uncertinaty of 1/2 on the trigger efficiency is not yet included.



Weihong vs. lastest results, naive Chi^2 / NDF = 10.3311 / 7 = 1.47587, but the uncertainties will decrease some with the other 2/3 of the data.