Triggers and Pi0 Candidates per Run

Similar to that which was done in Figure 4-1 Alan Hoffman's thesis (see discussion here), I present the plot of number of pi0s per run L2gamma trigger per run.  For my plot, I apply "all the cuts", including the simulated trigger.  I also provide the number of L2gamma / (minbias x prescale) and the ratio of the minbias within BBC timebin cuts over all minbias.  These are meant to serve as a check to for any funny runs that passed the run QA and to check for any bias or trends in the runs.  The run position is the index in my enumerated run list.  The order has not been modified, so roughly the 1st half is the transverse running and the second half is the 2nd longitudinal running.


There are a few runs near indices 325 and 470 which may merit further investigation, and a few other isolated runs.  The number of pi0s per L2gamma trigger is fairly stable, showing the simulated trigger is doing as intended while the hardware trigger thresholds are varying.