Minor updates since February

List of some minor updates since February. For each update, I carefully did one step at a time and checked various plots of the analysis to determine the effect it had, and whether the effect was reasonable (i.e. that I had not introduced any bugs).  No bugs found.

Minor Updates

  • Number of strips per cluster with energy more than 3 sigma above pedestal: changed from 6 of 7 to 5 of 7
    • This was the orininal intent, but the code strict inequality instead of a greater than or equals
    • The looser cut allows more statistics but also allows more background
    • The template fit chi^2/ndf has degrated, and the uncertainty due to the residual has thus risen to compensate.
    • This change is the only change that caused substantial difference.
  • The newest set of runs was used.
  • The cut on the energy of the SMD u+v clusters over the photon energy was removed
    • This cut actually cut very little anyhow, and so didn't seem worth it any more
    • Changes almost nothing.
  • A cut was also introduced (and then removed) to double check that photons centered on bad towers are already cut from the analysis.
    • They were already cut, so no need to cut again
  • The Monte Carlo trees were remade with the x1 and x2 values stored.
    • This should have had no effect, and it did not.
Note: most plots that changed in Analysis Note II between the April 1st and April 8th version are due to these changes, most notably the first one listed above.