Repeat of Cut Review

This is basically a repeat of the most salient parts of the Feb. 1st "Review of Cuts" blog, given the fitting updates of the Feb. 5 "Another Updated Fit" blog.  These results were discussed in the PWG phone meeting today (Feb 7th, 2013), and this blog is the promised further details.  The conclusions of the discussions are that
  • The cross section is not very sensitive to these cuts
  • While the mass plots look nices, it appears the MC fits work comparably well for any cut choice
  • The high cost of cutting statistics is not sufficiencly offset by reductions in systematics, and thus no cuts will be changed.

Two cuts of the the Feb. 1st "Review of Cuts" blog are the most influencial: the preshower and the SMD seed energy threshold.  The SMD (u+v) / photon E cut is dropped in the "new cut" options, as it does almost nothing.

Cut options considered

Cut Set Name (SMD u+v)/E Preshower E [GeV] SMD Seed E [MeV]
old 0.006 40 2
new 5 --- 3 2
new 8 --- 3 5
new 9 --- 40 5


See attached PDF files, organized as before.  This time though, results are provided not only for the four cut options, but for various data sets:
  • The full data set (denoted FULL)
  • The longitudinal data set (denoted LONG), summed over spin states (denoted tot)
  • The longitudinal data set (denoted LONG), for each spin state combination (denoted s5, s6, s9, 10)
This makes a total of 24 pdf files.  Note: the cross section is attached to the end of the PDF files for the FULL, and the longitudinal spin asymmetries are attached to the end of the PDF files for LONG "tot".


As mentioned at the top of this blog, the key aspects of these results were discussed in the spin meeting, with the final decision to leave the cuts as they are (i.e. the "old" set).  It is good to see the cross section is not strongly sensitive to these cuts, increasing the confidence that the MC is modeling the backgrounds sufficiently well.