History of Simu Trig Thresholds for EEMC pi0s

This is for my own reference mainly, to try to keep track of the values I have used.  The setup files for the simu trig has the following trigger settings.  I have not found other documentation yet to verify the values.  The values listed are the HT and TP in GeV.
# Apr 06 20:28:47 to May 10 20:47:14 (pp transverse)
3.40 5.40

# May 10 20:47:14 to May 13 21:52:48 (pp 2nd longitudinal)
2.90 4.50

# May 13 21:52:49 to May 16 00:45:00 (pp 2nd longitudinal)
3.70 5.10

# May 16 00:45:01 to June 07 23:40:11
3.7 5.2
The Pythia and BFC filters use values of
3.8 5.0
The max values used would then be 3.8 and 5.4 GeV, and 10% above max would be 4.18 and 5.94.  It seems the values I have used are
Oct 5th:                          3.7 5.2
Oct 11th:                         3.9 5.5
Oct 11th, after the spin meeting: 4.2 6.0

The Oct. 5 was based on the highest thresholds in data.  The Oct. 11th (not after the meeting) are basically 5% more than the Oct 5th values, i.e. 5% more than highest in data (but not 5% above highets in the MC).  The Oct 11th "after meeting" values are intented to be 10% above the highest in data and MC.  On Jan 11th, the MC was set to 3% higher than data, or

Jan 11th data:  4.2   6.0
Jan 11th MC:    4.326 6.18

To keep track of these values, I've defined my own trigger set letters.  There are 5 values previously identified as a-f when labeling the L0 thresholds (See this blog).  So I'll start labeling these various L2 levels from 'f' since the L0 level corresponds.

  HT [GeV] TP [GeV}
f 3.7 5.2
g 3.9 5.5
h 4.2 6.0
i 4.326 6.18