Updated cross section--3% higher MC trig thres

WARNING: the plots of this blog are affected by the bug reported here.

As discussed at the last Spin PWG phone meeting, a 3% energy scale difference between data and MC had been applied for all cases when MC is used except when computing the trigger efficiency and when cutting on the trigger.  For consistency, the simu triggers for MC were recomputed using a higher threshold (4.326 & 6.18 GeV, labeled set 'i'), and the cross section analysis was repeated.  The effect on the cross section is negligable.  Following is a plot of the cross section ratio, new result vs. previous result.  Only statistical uncertainties are shown. Note: the lowest point (5 < pT < 6 GeV) is not used in the final results.

The largest change in the final results is in the largest pT bin, 6%, though the change is not statistically significant.  The most statistically significant change among the 6 < pT < 16 GeV points is for 6 < pT < 7 GeV, which is
(2.4 +/- 1.4)%
higher.  The full, updated, cross section results are given below, and the "Intent to Publish" blog has also been updated.