I always forget this and have a hard time finding where it is documented.  So here it is.  To get a daq file right after it has been taken do the following:
  • Wait for it to say it is on HPSS in the STAR RunLogBrowser
  • Make a directory for the run (if needed) on data03, e.g.
mkdir /star/data03/daq/2013/061/14061084
  • Ask HPSS for the file(s)
hpss_user.pl /home/starsink/raw/daq/2013/061/14061084/st_physics_14061084_raw_0450001.daq /star/data03/daq/2013/061/14061084/st_physics_14061084_raw_0450001.daq
  • Wait for HPSS to copy the file to disk

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