S&C Meeting, June 11, 2014

The Goal

  • Verify implemented Sti geometry
  • Match position and material to the original TGeo geometry


  • Reminder: Sti track is a collection of track nodes. A node is set of track parameters (position at midsection, direction, energy losses...) at Sti volumes traversed by the track
  • Simulated tracks can be used to scan a detector region

  • For easier interpretation of 3D projections it is easier to use tracks perpendicular to the beam at different z coordinates
  • $stiscan -h
    Program options:
      -h [ --help ]                     Print help message
      -f [ --hftree-file ] arg          Full path to a ROOT file with hftree OR text file with a list of ROOT files
                                        containing the same
      -p [ --volume-pattern-flist ] arg Full path to a text file with Sti/TGeo volume names
    $stiscan -f ../offline/hft/tests/hftree_list.txt -p ../offline/hft/tests/volumes.txt
  • Initial set of histograms
    • Simulated 11 sets (z = range(-5, +5, 1) cm) of 10 events with 100 tracks per event

(Mainly minor) Remarks

  • 100 tracks in a r-phi plane might be a bit too dense for Sti algorithm to reconstruct efficiently. This may add to tracking inefficiency and explain some of the incorrectly reconstructed tracks
    • If this is the case one can generate more events with less tracks per event
  • Turning off magnetic field may further help with interpretation of the results
    • Less energetic particles can be generated instead of 5 GeV ones
  • Need more statistics. With current binning have only 10 tracks per bin
    • This may not be enough to see features of the considered geometry
    • It is important to simulated tracks in the region of interest