S&C Meeting, June 25, 2014

The Goal

  • Verify implemented Sti geometry by matching position and material to the original TGeo geometry

The Tools

  • Simulated (TGeo) and reconstructed (Sti) tracks can be used to scan detector regions
  • Reminder: Sti track is a collection of track nodes. A node is set of track parameters (position at midsection, direction, energy losses...) at Sti volumes traversed by the track
  • Instructions available in $CVSROOT/offline/hft/README.md
    $stiscan -h
    Program options:
      -h [ --help ]                                        Print help message
      -f [ --hftree-file ] arg                             Full path to a ROOT file containing a 'hftree' TTree OR a text
                                                           file with a list of such ROOT files
      -p [ --volume-pattern ] [=arg(=process_all_volumes)] A regex pattern Sti/TGeo volume names
      -l [ --volume-pattern-flist ] arg                    Full path to a text file with Sti/TGeo volume names
      -n [ --max-events ] arg (=0)                         Maximum number of events to process
      -s [ --sparsity ] arg (=1)                           Approximate fraction of events to read and process
      -g [ --save-graph ]                                  Use this option to save plots in png format
    And similarly for event display

Results for PXL PSUP

TGeo volumes implemented in Sti

All Sti volumes including IST, beam pipe, ... in the r-z range

Selected PSUP Sti volumes



  • No significant disagreement observed between the expected position of implemented so far Sti volumes (PXL, IST)
  • For the final check we need to compare the above stiscan maps to the same obtained from the original TGeo geometries