Towards a Run 6 Pion Cross Section
Here is an Introduction to Cross Section Calculation I wrote up to remind myself how we get from experimentally measured quantities to a cross section measurement.
This is a list of things necessary for calculating a neutral pion cross section from the Run 6 data.
1) Decide on BBC timebin cut to be used in place of TPC vertex (still need vertex for reconstructing inv. mass)
a) Re-Weight MC vertex distribution to match data after BBC cut
2) Calculate acceptance and efficiency factor from PYTHIA sample
a) Use pp200 Y2006C (rcf1302-rcf1318) sample with partonic pT 3 < pT < 65 linked here
b) Include geometric acceptance in MC using DB and timestamps (ie. bad channels)
c) Include realistic energy resolution (already in slow simulator?)
d) Include trigger simulator
3) Calculate integrated luminosity for HT and MB samples
a) Use # of events passing event level cuts and prescales
b) Use non-singly diffractive (NSD) cross section (already measured?)
4) Extract yields from data by pT bin
a) Think about how to plot data points (Lafferty-Wyatt, Mean pT, bin center? )
5) Estimate systematic uncertainties
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