Run 8 Pions - Vertex

Vertex Distributions for minbias (MB) and etot-mb-l2 triggered events:

Looking forward to calculating a cross section we will need to make a vertex cut on the triggered and MB samples in order to calculate the sampled luminosity.  We will use the BBC to make this cut since MB events don't always reconstruct a TPC vertex.  These distributions should help us determine how best to make this cut.  Right now the cut in Weihong's analysis is |z| < 150 cm, which we would like to approximately reproduce with a cut on the BBC cut.

Summary of plots:

DSM vertex -> DSM time difference (Adam used this to only accept the 7, 8, or 9 timebin ie. 190 < time diff < 260 )

BBC vertex -> Something calculated in bbcTriggerDetector() (still looking into how its calculated)

TPC vertex After Cut -> TPC vertex after including only events in DSM timebin 7, 8, or 9

Figure 1: Different plots of vertex info from MB data


Figure 2: Different plots of vertex info from etot-mb-l2 triggered data