Run 11 BSMD "Not Installed"

Run 11 BSMD "Not Installed"

Below I attached the offline QA histograms for run 12094060.   The EMC plots start on page 3, and the plots of interest here are pasted below.  The Pplots for the same run are here.


Figure 1:  BSMDE cluster eta distribution

Figure 2:  BSMDP cluster phi distribution

Both BSMD cluster distributions show spikes at probably hot strips and a peak at eta=0 for the BSMDE that I don't understand.  Other than that there are basically no BSMD clusters reconstructed.


Figure 3:  BEMC Point "catagory"


Basically all points have "catagory" = 0, which means that all reconstructed points have BSMD clusters with energy=0.  So it looks like all BEMC points have no SMD energy.