FST Meeting on 04/08/2024

 Start: 2024-04-08 11:00 am

Timezone: America/New York
Meeting Agenda:
1. Xu Sun: FST NIM Status
2. Gavin Wilks & Zhenyu Ye: FST run24 preparation -- slides
Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94407657736?pwd=WDVlOFIvVFRCSDBCQUJKZmJYRE9tUT09
Meeting ID: 94407657736
Passcode: 997448
Action Items:

Action items:
1. Ziyue/Gavin will prepare to switch FST to 9 time bins for the latency check with the help from Gerard/Tonko/Jeff.
2. Gavin/Prithwish will contact Tim about OMEGA module status.
3. Gavin will check the FST alarm handler.
4. Corresponding person will complete the assigned Chapter of FST paper before 04/22/2024.