W Projections - SPIN Task Force Report

The following page provides a brief documentation of W projections for

the SPIN Task Force Report:

Slides (Version 1)

Slides (Version 3)

Slides (Version 4)

Slides (Version 5)

Slides (Version 6)

The scenarios to be considered are discussed here. Example projection plots from the 2008 RHIC Spin report can be found


Assumptions on projections:

Here is a summary of the projection plots that are in preparation. Generally,
two sets are needed:

a) AL vs. pT for mid-rapidity, forward and backward rapidity and for W+/W-

b) AL vs. rapidity for p> 25GeV for W+/W- with:

- ye span over the whole STAR range: -2 < ye < +2
- ye only at mid-rapidity
- ye only at backward rapidity 
- ye only at forward rapidity

The binning requires still some thought. The binning on Figure 3 is too fine as shown at the following page!


a) 2 scenarios:

- L=300pb-1 and P=50% with projections for all above items
- L=100pb-1 and P=50% with projections for all above items
- L=100pb-1 and P=40% / Only mid-rapidity ('Run 11')

b) QCD background:

- Mid-rapidity: Take Run 9 estimates
- Forward/Backward: Use simulations from FGT proposal / 2008 RHIC Spin Report

c) Vertex acceptance: Differentiate for vertex acceptance between mid-rapidiy and forward/backward rapidity

d) Efficiencies: 

Raise overall efficiency to 60%. We should think a little bit
about what we do with all three contributions:

- Trigger efficiency: Use 86%
- Vertex efficiency: Use 91%
- Reconstruction efficiency: Use now 76%

--> 60% 

d) Theory: Same theory curves as prelim. result