RHIC Polarization - Run 9 / 500GeV

The complete online RHIC Polarization for Run 9 / 500GeV is located here.


There are two separate directories:

Those contain the raw information. The CNI directory contains in addition various QA plots, in particular the

polarization dependence as a function of time for a given fill. 

Basic QA requirements: Use only CNI measurements with error code = 0. For an explanation for all

error codes, please look here.


The fill list for the Run 9 / 500GeV data analysis is available from here. There are no proper CNI

measurements and jet measurements available for fill 10469 which is kept with zero

polarization for all files below. 


The time dependence for all Run 9 / 500GeV data analysis fills is available from here marked as a solid

red box around each histogram. Some of the blue fills are marked as a dashed red line for which there

is a clear drop in the CNI measured polarization as a function of time. A list of these fills is available from

here. The linked file shows first the yellow and then the blue histograms (keynote-file)


The updated version 2 below contains in addition the jet polarization

value for which those are available. A comparison between the CNI and the Jet values are available in

two files, which show the fill dependence for both CNI and jet measurements separately and the actual

difference between both.


Version 1: Use only CNI measurements (Format: Fill number, CNI Yellow polarization, CNI Blue polarization)

Version 2: Use only CNI measurements (Format: Fill number, CNI Yellow polarization, CNI Blue polarization, Jet Yellow polarization, Jet Blue polarization)