S&T Review - STAR W program

Below are 7 slides on the STAR W program for the S&T Review:

  • 1 STAR detector overview
  • 2 Physics motivation
  • 3 Cross-section result
  • 4 Asymmetry measurement
  • 5 Asymmetry result
  • 6 FGT layout
  • 7 AL Projections

I am providing below both the pdf and ppt file. The slides are animated. Special

attention should be paid to the AL projections. I have included as an overlay the

impact of S/B = 5 for the backward/forward region which is indicated by red overlayed

error bars. The default S/B for the backward/forward region (not bench marked) is 1.1 based

on MC work. For the the mid rapidity region, the projections are based on the Run 9

analysis. At mid rapidity a S/B ratio of 5-10 was achieved.